Blass Research Blog2022-08-04T12:48:32-04:00

Research Blog

M&A: A Call for Research During the Integration Process

Mergers and acquisitions offer a great potential for synergy, which may include increased customer base, enhanced product and service capabilities, expanded geographic coverage, increased intellectual property, additional facilities, etc. On the flip side, M&A activities can create a sense of fear, confusion and frustration. Research can be utilized in a [...]

Website Usability Testing Can Improve Website Performance

Your site is getting tested every day by visitors. Google Analytics can provide a wealth of metrics on bounce rates, pages accessed, duration, and engagement, but to really understand how users are working with your site and why performance might be less than desired, website usability studies are often used. [...]

5 Ways Research Can Bring Value to any Organization

1) Marketing plan development. There are many elements of a marketing plan that benefit from the intelligence research can bring. Audience: Research can help define such things as the size and makeup of your target audiences. Are there geographic concentrations? What are the buying dynamics? Demographics, buying influence, titles, readership [...]

About Blass Research Blog – Research Insights

Blass Marketing Blog is written by marketing gurus, providing insights about topics that covers everything from advertising, PR, SEO to lead generation and how to overcome roadblocks to achieve a  successful marketing campaign.

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